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JAF24W Just-A-Falls Kit – 24′ Long x 2′ Wide w/ Res-Cubes

JAF24W Just-A-Falls Kit – 24′ Long x 2′ Wide w/ Res-Cubes


Easily build a beautiful waterfall without the maintenance of a pond. Ideal for businesses and home owners who want the sights and sounds of a waterfall but do not want the liability or maintenance associated with a pond. More options and features are available with EasyPro Just-A-Falls kits and components. Truly innovative spillways take building waterfalls to a new level.

SKU: JAF24W Category:

Complete kit for building beautiful waterfall and stream water feature. Approximately 24′ long stream with 6′ x 6′ x 2′ deep reservoir.


  • 45 mil EPDM liner – Stream liner: 8′ x 30′, Reservoir liner: 12′ x 15′
  • Underlayment
  • Pump discharge assembly
  • 23″ UWD23 spillway
  • JAFM pump vault
  • 2″ x 50′ black flexible PVC pipe
  • TH400 submersible pump
  • 7 – HSC44 Res-Cubes
  • Installation kit with glue, black waterfall foam and fittings