Fish Farm/Retail Store Hours: M-F 8am-5pm | Saturday Hours: April 13- June 29 8am-3pm Closed all other Saturdays
Business Office (Customer Service, product support, phone orders, shipping, billing): M-F 8am-5pm

How many fish do I stock into my pond?

How many fish do I stock into my pond?
June 15, 2019 admin

Stoney Creek Fisheries recommends a maximum of 1,000 total game fish per acre, assuming the pond is in good shape and aerated. If not, then stock less. The key to a healthy fish population is to (1) avoid over-stocking, (2) manage your pond to avoid over-populations and (3) maintain a sensible ratio of predator to prey species. Remember an aerated pond can support more fish than one without aeration.